Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tattoo Designs by Douglas Buckley

Blacklight Tattoo Pictures

UV or ultra violet and Blacklight Tattoos are pretty much the same thing when it comes down to it. Basically you turn on a black light and catch what looks like a normal tattoo in the regular light in all it’s glory. Bright colors rock the darkness when you have one of these type tattoos and yes they are cool. Next time you are a a skating rink or a club look for the people with them and you will see how hot they are.

Ankle Tattoo Pictures

Ankle tattoo pictures come in many different styles and most of them are going to be on a woman. Getting a tattoo on your ankle may sting a little but it won’t kill you like getting inked up on your face or stomach. Most of the designs are sexy and can be seen when chicks where flip flop shoes or sandals. This gallery has about 100 images for you to get a good idea of what you may want.